Support. Security. Solutions.

No other Chicagoland IT company can match ExcalTech’s range of high quality IT services, super quick responsiveness to your needs, and team of highly skilled IT engineers.

You run your business. We make sure your business runs.

ExcalTech is the leading IT service provider in the Chicagoland market, and has been since 1994. Our staff provides professional, customized solutions for SMBs across multiple industries. Our client retention rate exceeds the industry average and we value your business. We want to be your IT business provider and Make IT Simple for your firm.

Raving Client Reviews Of ExcalTech's IT Support

Real people. Real reviews.

What do you get when you partner with ExcalTech for your managed IT services?

Peace of Mind

Your data is securely backed up with disaster recovery plans in place and your network is protected by multiple layers of security.

Controlled Costs

Know what you pay each month with flat-rate pricing.

Increased Productivity

Fewer issues means your staff spend less time sidelined by IT issues and more time getting work done.

Help at the Ready

The best experts in the industry available to resolve issues quickly.

How does ExcalTech deliver these benefits?


ExcalTech Provides The Best Chicagoland IT Support. We Know IT Like The Back Of Our Hands.

After supporting thousands of satisfied clients for the past 31 years, we know IT support inside and out. We know what your company is going through and we know how to fix it. We have highly-trained staff working with high-quality equipment. We provide you with the best service to ensure that your business runs as effectively as possible.


ExcalTech Hires The Best Chicagoland IT Engineers. Not Just Computer Techs.

We understand that your infrastructure is critical. That’s why we’ve hired certified engineers to handle your complex business systems, so you’ll never have to worry about your business being up and running. We’re an IT provider you can trust.


ExcalTech Offers The Best Value & The Best Guarantee When Compared To Other Chicagoland IT Companies.

We consistently deliver exceptional products and services at fair rates. Offering both subscription-based and hourly support services, we give you the best value for your business’s IT support needs.

What’s that about the best guarantee? If you are not 100% satisfied, we will make it right! We make IT that simple.

What makes ExcalTech better?

ExcalTech by Numbers

Zero Major Security Incidents Among All ExcalTech TSS Clients in Over 4 Years!

IT Support & Tech Services

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