Outdated Technology Is Expensive And Dangerous
This Chicagoland scouting camp needed someone to modernize their outdated IT systems—that’s why they called ExcalTech.
A Chicagoland scouting camp that was struggling to get their work done using old IT solutions.
Download our complete case study with this scouting group
The Problem
This Chicagoland scouting camp needed to update its technology and had no idea where to begin.
Whether it’s an old and outdated phone system, or the computers you use at work, putting up with out-of-date technology might seem like it is saving you a bit of money—but what about the headaches and lost productivity it is causing?
At a certain point, you will need to invest in updating your business-critical technology.
This Chicagoland scouting camp needed someone to modernize its IT systems. Their hardware was out of date and causing serious problems.
In order to update their aging and error-prone technology, they got in touch with ExcalTech.
The Solution
Our longstanding presence in the Chicagoland market coupled with our ability to serve their dozens of locations with experienced engineers made us the perfect partner for this scouting organization.
We took over management of their hardware to ensure it is properly supported, and kept current. We also moved them to a modern VoIP phone solution, replacing their legacy PBX system that no longer met their needs and was costing them too much money.
How ExcalTech Solved This Organization’s Problems
With their newly upgraded IT systems, this Chicagoland scouting organization now has a productive workplace environment. We have built a highly secure and scalable network for the client while continuing to identify opportunities for cost savings.
They now have a robust IT system that meets their specific needs, and they got it without having to spend their own time doing research or managing the installation. They know that ExcalTech will keep them current.
We will do the same for you—don’t struggle with old or borrowed technology any longer.
Talk to the ExcalTech team to start upgrading your systems today: